
Login page hotspot
Login page hotspot

then login.html will be redirecting to login.php. Client request re logout : request will be sent to login.html.Client request logout : web interface pages will be sent the request to logout the client, status.html will be process it then will be redirecting and send the last statistic data variables to logout.php, then the client now in logout state on logout.php page.And status.html will be sent the statistic data variables and redirect to the status.php to display statistic data variables of the client. Client request status : After successfully logged in, the client is on alogin.php then request the status.While data login variables is false, request will be redirected back to login.php with the warning “login is wrong”. Client enter the data login: data login variables will be sent back to login.html, if it is true the process go to alogin.html, then alogin.html will be redirected to alogin.php, and the client see the alogin.php page on live server.Client request to login : request will be sent to login.html router, login.html will be redirected to login.php live server.

Login page hotspot